8tracks Radio App Reviews

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Does not work properly

Could not log in, support is not responding

can’t search tags!

how do you search tags on this app?

Love 8TRACKS but app could use a bit of work

Using 8tracks is very convenient to people who love listening to music 24/7. But I would really like it if the app could have a log-in option because I hate searching up playlists that I have liked/saved on my account blindly.

Good basic implementation

Good overall, but use of keyboard play/pause buttons is flakey, and it doesn’t allow one to log in and see/play liked or recently played mixes.

Great for Iphone. Not so much for MacBook

I have always told my friends about this app and like it a lot, however I wish I could favorite songs on the version for my MacBook. Also it would be nice to open the application into a larger screen.

Needs a way to search mixes by Name

I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, but there’s needs to be a way to search mixes by names and not just by tags. If there is a way to do that can someone tell me how? Other than that the app is nice, but also needs an option to log in to your 8tracks account.

Okay, I guess, if you’re new to 8tracks ...

Go ahead and give it a try if you haven’t set up an 8tracks account yet, it is a gorgeous app, but it does lack basic functionality that you might expect if you’re already an 8tracks user. You can: Search by tag You CAN’T: Search by artist Search by username View listening history Log in, or do anything connected to your account.

Excellent app but….

This is an amazing app. It truly is. Sometimes, I don’t want to listen to what’s on my iPod and I go on the look out for new music - 8tracks is great for that because many of the playlists have music by artists I’ve never heard about and that I end up loving and looking up afterwards. The other thing I love about 8tracks is that you can look up playlists based on moods or genres by looking up the tags. The only thing I wish this app had was a way to log in to your account. I have many favorited playlists that I constantly go back to, especially when I’m studying or reading, and I can never access them through the app because I don’t remember the names of the playlists or the user that did them. So basicaly, I end up having to go to the webiste and stream it from there, which defeats the point of having an app at all. Nowdays I’ve ended up using the app only when I’m in the mood for finding new music, but never in my times of musical need (studying/reading/writing), which happen way too often. The moment they add a way to log in, I’ll give this app 5 stars.

Log In Required!

I want to log into my account. That is all.


This app seems so different from the other 8tracks expereiences. Most notably missing is the fact that you can’t log into your account, so if you have a favorite playlist you want to listen to I hope you know how to find it! Seems obvious to have account log in feature. What if I find a playlist on this app that I like? Now I can’t save it either!

Not bad. I have feature requests and bug fixes requests

Good app, good idea, nice design. I’m overall happy this exists, but am wondering if I should build one myself, since there are a couple things that I think would go a long way: 1) implement login (i want my favs!). But I guess you talked about this one and voted against it. It also gives restrictions on the api so that may simply not be possible. If not login, why not implement a local db of favs? 2) make the prefpane work on mavericks 10.9.2, it’s broken right now on my mbp retina 15inch

quite nice

I wish you could link it to your account so that you can “like” playlists from the app and also have access to your list of “liked” playlists. Also the app occasionally freezes. Otherwise I like this app a lot.

Needs shuffle button

Love this app, but everytime I click on a playlist, it starts on the same song. Need shuffle button ASAP!

great but useless

this app is great, except that i can’t log into my own 8tracks account on that so, really, what’s the point?

I love 8 tracks but..

I love this app..I love the concept of being able to listen to your own mixes. But this app still needs alot of work. Its great that you can access the mixes. but there is no where to sign in. There is no where to save your favorites. Will def continue using the app and will be waiting for the next update. Needs work but is still a great app

Everything is off limits

Everything that’s available on your phone is pretty much off limits unless you purchase the pro package..

Drains my battery

Liked it at first but then I realized that my Macbook started overheating. When I checked the Activity Monitor I read %47 avg.impact on the battery while Safari reads only 11% avg. impact. It is practical having such tools; however with this energy issue and reduced features without premium payment its totally useless for me. For now I’ll go with fully featured website and enery efficent Safari.

Room for Improvement

The concept is great. But I think the UI could use some updating. I liked the idea of having a mini window pop up instead of a menu bar when using the status bar feature. There are also quite some bugs. When searching for tags under ‘explore’, there’s an annoying lag and I have to go through the ordeal of clicking on the tag I want instead of simply hitting enter. Also, the first playlist option is unclickable due to the search query blocking the area. In addition, I recieve the error message ’This link has a redirect loop on my internet browser when I try to log into 8tracks while using the app. But perhaps the biggest issue lies in the fact that while I’m listening to a playlist, the app randomly skips to another playlist before the current playlist could even begin to finish. Also unlock the premium features, seriously. Please

Not usable.

This app would be great, but nothing is accessible unless you purchase the pro version. You can’t get to your history, liked mixes, etc. They ought to just market the app at $4.99 instead of leading people to believe that this download is worth their time.

I love 8 tracks but...

I only started to like 8tracks recently, and I love the iPhone app but this is just horrible. Everything except the Explore tab requires an IAP. Why not just make the app Paid? There are also things like: 1. Pressing the search button, you have to actually click on the search bar that pops up to search. Why not just put the cursor in the search field by default? I clicked on the search button, what do you think I want to do?! 2. So let’s search for something. I typed “Progressive Rock” and great! I get a list of playlists, I pick one, decide I don’t want that, click back and my search results disappear and instead I’m taken to the Home page. 3. Then I try the search again and find that I can’t search anymore. 4. The app constantly refreshes it self, I’m tired of the loading circle! 5. Some text is overlapping other text. Example, if I go to my profile, the “Popular” text on the right is overlapping the “Logout” text. I have a retina macbook pro, by the way. Now these are only some of my many complaints but based on this, do you really expect me to fork over cash to upgrade to Pro? Really? Overall, brilliant app! Brialliantly poor, that it. Come on 8tracks, I expected so much better.

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